Branded Kings Cross / by Tom Oliver Payne

When I take the Tube to work, posters scream new products at me. When I listen to the radio, I’m being told to visit the next biggest music festival. When I launch Google, I’m bombarded with airlines trying to sell me tickets. 

I have nothing against business and, of course, I think advertising is an awesome way to communicate brand messaging... but at times we all need a break from ads.

Spending time in Kings Cross's recently, I couldn't help to notice that - once again - I was being bombarded with branding and advertising. 

The Kings Cross Central Limited Partnership had used billboards to promote its redevelopment of the surrounding district, the nearby Waitrose had ensured it’s name was clearly marked on every bit of signage, and the cranes popping out of nearby construction sites were illuminated with the names of development contractors.

Once I began to notice the branding on walls, windows and hoardings, I quickly realised that everywhere I looked I saw a logo.... A coffee mug on a wall, a bag in someone's arm, or even the name of a child's bike. Once I'd taken note, I found it hard to avoid noticing the ever-present advertising everywhere I looked.

I decided to I grab my camera and started shooting... Below is a series of 9 photographs which capture the (sometimes) subtle, ever-present advertising in this small section of London.
